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Outside Flea Market

The Tar River Flea Market sits on 15 acres in total, with 9 acres designated for outside flea market. The outside market is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, as weather permits. Several vendors come on a regular basis, while others choose to just come for one day/weekend. We usually have food vendors of one type or another and don’t miss our hand dipped Hershey’s ice cream just inside Building 1 at the snack bar. You can literally find just about anything on any given day. Our market is family-friendly and appropriate for all ages.

Thinking about having a garage or yard sale? Why not sell your things here at the Tar River Flea Market where the people you hope to sell to come on a regular basis to shop? Don’t spend $30 - $50 in advertising your yard sale in the paper only to get just a few shoppers or worse yet, spend all that money and get rained out! We only charge $10/day for the majority of our spaces. Most measure 14’ x 20’ and you’re able to park your vehicle right behind your space, for your convenience. We rent shade tents for $10/day and folding tables for $4 each/day and we deliver them to your space and even set them up and take them down for you. Please contact the office in advance if you wish to sell anything food related.


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