Q.) What days are you open?
A.) Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9am-4pm. The outside flea market tends to start earlier, and customers are welcome as early as they’d like to come.
Q.) Can anyone setup at the outside flea market?
A.) Yes. Come in and make a reservation or just come the day you want to setup and we’ll show you to an available space. We’ll give you some time to unload and display your items and then come by and collect the rent.
Q.) What are the prices for outside vendor spaces?
A.) Outdoor spaces are $10 per day. They are each 14’ x 20’ in size.
Q.) Do you provide tables?
A.) No, but we rent tables for $4 each. We also rent tents for $10 each and if you choose to rent either or both, we deliver them to your space and put them up for you as well as taking them down and picking them up when your finished using them.
Q.) Can I sell anything I want?
A.) Almost! Firearms, explosives, alcohol, items of an obscene or pornographic nature are not permitted. Anything else that is legal is welcomed. Food and drink items have special requirements. Please see management for details.
Q.) What do I need to sell food at your market?
A.) If you intend to sell anything eaten or consumed in any way by a person you must have a Certificate of Insurance. Some items require permission from the Health Dept. Please see the management for details before planning to come.
Q.) Can I rent an indoor space for the day?
A.) Yes, as available space permits. Rates start at $15/day and go up depending on size and location.
Q.) May I bring my pet to the flea market?
A.) Yes. All pets must be on a leash and under the control of their owner at all times. Customers wishing to bring their pets inside must be able to carry their pet the entire time.
Q.) Do you close for holidays?
A.) The only holiday we close for is Christmas!
Q.) What are the sizes of outdoor spaces?
A.) All outdoor spaces are 14' x 20'.
Q.) Do I need to move my vehicle after I setup?
A.) No. If you arrive early enough you may park right next to your space and leave your car for the entire time you are with us. NOTE: Parking is NOT part of your rental. All parking spaces are for the convenience of TRFM and your customers and may not be saved or reserved.
Q.) What is the fee to be an outdoor vendor?
A.) FREE Fridays
• Any one space FREE for the day. Additional spaces are $10 each.
• No reservations taken. All spaces available on first come first served basis.
• Tables $5/each; Clothes Racks $5/each. Available at 7:00 am.
• All uncovered spaces are $10 each. Under the metal shelter are $20.
• Reservations taken on Row 1 (#'s 1-50) only.
• All spaces on Row 2 (#'s 51 and higher) available on first come first served basis.
• Tables $5/each; Clothes Racks $5/each. Available at 7:00 am.
• All uncovered spaces are $5 each. Under the metal shelter are $10.
• All spaces on Rows 1 and 2 available on first come first served basis.
Tables $5/each; Clothes Racks $5/each. Available at 7:00 am.